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Keep It Simple, last time
Teddy wrote;
Still...there was the ride from hell when the monsoons came and NOBODY would
have gotten a completion.....how about the ride where the trail markers were
vandalized and NOBODY knew where to go?
Teddy, I think the point I was trying to make is that you cannot let your life
revolve around the misfortunes that sooner or later are going to happen to you
in this sport...i.e. monsoons, injured riders, vandals and other delaying
factors. With your years in the sport and the miles you have chalked up, does
it really matter whether you have fifty miles less in your total records, or
50 points less? How many times have you actually been overtime because of
factors over which you had no control? It has never happened to me in thirty-
four years of endurance riding so I guess I am about due. I hope when it does
that I can be as understanding as I seem to be asking all of you to be. If
not, you can point your fingers and I will cry "uncle" . 12 hours for a 50
and 24 hours for 100, "total elapsed time", has been the understood time limit
since the first hundred miler (1955) and fifty miler (1966)were staged. It
works well with rare exceptions. We do not need rules for rare exceptions.
We take our lumps and come back next year. Julie
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