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Re: Auto vs Stick
In a message dated 98-01-17 09:54:08 EST, you write:
<< Check out the tow truck that comes to get you after you've been
towing in overdrive .It's not an automatic trans,is it? >>
Just had to comment on this subject--Ray, you are SOOOOO right....
I have yet to replace a standard transmission. Have worn out several pickups.
Have one parked in my yard right now with over 400,000 miles on it, all either
towing or being beat around in a rural veterinary practice. Still has the
original manual tranny, which still works great. (Is on its second engine.)
Have more recently been driving automatics. Haven't worn out a truck yet.
Have replaced two trannys. They don't last as long as the engines do. Did
replace an occasional clutch on the manuals, but they are WAAAAY cheaper than
trannys and don't die all at once. Had to replace one automatic tranny 1000
miles from home, got ripped off by the shop, delayed almost a week, the tow-
truck scenario, horses to farm out, etc. Clutches always gave me lots of
warning that they were wearing out, and I always got them replaced by my own
mechanic in my own hometown in my own sweet time. Far better scenario. Am
currently driving an automatic--had to get a truck in a hurry after a divorce
and got a good deal on it. It is the last one I will ever own. Just for the
record, I haul HEAVY trailers LONG distances (from Oregon to places like
Arizona and Texas and Missouri), and yes, I have driven my stick shifts
through awful places like LA and Seattle MANY MANY times, and STILL would
rather have the stick shift. I have finally "learned" to deal with snow and
ice with my automatic, but it will never be as good at that, either, as the
good old stick...
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt....
Heidi Smith, DVM--Sagehill Arabians (Oregon)
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