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Re: picket lines*
Whether a rope is going to damage a tree depends on how many horses, how
quiet they stand, the age and variety of the tree, the diameter of the high
line, and how long the high line is in use. I would expect that softwood
trees (common in the west) may indeed may be damaged more easily than
perhaps an oak - but I have never experimented. Tree saver straps are highly
recommended, perhaps even required by some land managers.
Duncan Fletcher
-----Original Message-----
From: RUN4BEAR <RUN4BEAR@aol.com>
To: dahlia@gte.net <dahlia@gte.net>; paus@micoks.net <paus@micoks.net>
Cc: ridecamp@endurance.net <ridecamp@endurance.net>
Date: Friday, January 16, 1998 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: picket lines*
>In a message dated 98-01-16 07:46:04 EST, dahlia@gte.net writes:
><< I use what is called a high-line. I made "tree-saver" straps out of old
> seat-belts. (You can obtain these at auto junkyards for very little
> cost.) I cut off all the hardware and lap the ends back and sew with
> strong nylon thread. Do this on both ends. You wrap these around two
> trees, distance apart depends on how many horses to be tied to one line.
> You want them far enough apart so there are no disagreements and no one
> gets tangled up. I put the tree savers up as high as I can, usually
> about 12 feet. Run a nylon rope through and tie as tight as possible.
> This is much easier to do if someone helps you, it is almost a necessity
> to have 2 people. You want the rope you tie the horses to, up high,
> horses should be able to walk underneath it.
> Hope this helps. Let me know if you want more info or don't understand
> what I mean, I'm not sure I conveyed it just right.
> Susan - WA
> >>
>I have yet to ruin a tree with my poly rope and NO protection for the
>tree...But, it IS a good idea....are tress on the west coast more
>to damage than those out here on the East?
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