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Need Transient Horse Housing near Witchita, KS
Is there anybody out there in endurance-hyperspace who could give me a lead
on a place to put a horse up for a couple of nights (1 week max) near
Witchita? I am in the uncomfortable position of needing to repossess a
coming three year old gelding after a year of non payment, and I need a
place for him to go when the sheriff picks him up, so that he can have a
vet check, coggins and wait for transportation home. I had to get a KS
attorney to help with the court paperwork, but he has no ideas where we
could keep "Burnie" once we've got him! I guess I should be grateful that
this is the first time this has ever happened to me in 12 years of the
breeding business! Any suggestions would be gratefully appreciated!
Thanks, Mary Burgess
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