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Re:Bits to Hackamores
There is a wonderful hackamore type that is perfect for the endurance or trail
rider. It's called the Arabian S bit. Which is silly, it has no Bit! You
can get this from Sportack. At our ranch we trail train a lot of X Arabian
race horses. This is what we put them in after 14 to 30 days of training. It
has a very short shank so the horse can eat and drink without anything getting
in the way. I personally use this hackamore on my own horse and my husbands.
We have about 21 endurance horses/riders at our ranch and I would say about
1/2 of them are using this hackamore with no problems. If you need to use
anything to keep the head down this hackamore is still great for that. I
would say we've been using this hackamore for about 7 years now. Hope this
helps out.
Tammy & Katie Bar The Door
Trail-Rite Ranch
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