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Re: AERC Completion Time Rule
On Thu, 15 Jan 1998 12:22:30 EST, Chaco L <ChacoL@aol.com> wrote:
>In a message dated 98-01-15 05:47:08 EST, jlong@mti.net writes:
>> In the 50, the *First Place* time was 13 hours, 43 minutes, and 40
>> seconds including holds (I looked it up). Under our current rule,
>> *nobody* would have completed the 50. Even with the 15 hour limit we
>> only had about a 50% completion rate in the 50.
>> Does this mean those riders were wimps? That their horses weren't
>> good enough for endurance?
>In my opinion, no, it means the ride should have been canceled due to extreme
>weather conditions.
Uh huh. Well, that was an option. However, a lot of people had gone
to the time and expense to travel to the ride, some from great
distances. I put the ride on out of my own pocket and would have lost
far more money than I could afford if I canceled it (and would
probably have never put on another). So I'm sorry, I believe it was
far better to allow extra time and have a successful ride.
Please tell me, who was hurt by the time extension? Certainly not the
horses -- they were able to be ridden more slowly, which is probably
why we didn't have any get into trouble.
Joe Long
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