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Re: AERC completion time rule - feedback wanted
Just a thought on the side issue that has come up, re riders having to
choose between helping a fellow rider and receiving completion:
I was a member of NATRC for quite some time before I even owned a horse,
to learn about and get a feel for long distance riding. I read several
ride stories and so forth in various CTR publications that denigrated
endurance riders for their competitive attitude and unwillingness to help
riders in trouble (as well as their poor horsemanship skills, etc., but
that's a different issue). I remember specifically one line that read
something like "At this point, I said to my horse, 'We're not in NATRC
anymore!'" when this rider had a mishap on the trail at an endurance ride
and didn't receive any aid from the first several riders who flew past
Sure, there are rotten people in our sport, just like any other, but if a
rule has the effect, whether intended or not, of exacerbating a situation
such as this, then I believe that effect should be weighed in the
decision-making process. It's a secondary issue, but should nevertheless
be considered, as the AERC BOD should strive, whenever possible, to
improve the public perception of endurance riders and the sport as a whole.
Just my .02.
Glenda & Lakota (25 down, 1000s to go!)
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