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Re: Completion time
On Thu, 15 Jan 1998 08:31:54 -0600, "Betsy O'Shea" <betsy@micoks.net>
>I interpreted your response to me as indicating that a person had a choice
>in whether to stop and help another rider. I don't see it as a choice at
>all, which was what my point was. So, I am assumming that not getting a
>completion because you did a good deed falls in the same category as being
>over time because of vandalism, slow vet checks and unforseen weather
>conditions and other uncontrollable circumstances. Is that correct? - and
>per rule, the BOD can be petitioned for an exception. Can the rider do
>this, or only the ride management? Sorry for the newbie questions.
No rider is required under any AERC rules to stop and help another
rider, under any circumstances. Most (not all) endurance riders will,
Under current rules there is *no* provision for a rider earning a
completion if finishing after the time limit, *no matter what the
circumstances.* Although any member can petition the Board for
anything they wish, I know of no case where the Board has approved a
completion for an overtime rider, and I doubt they would do so.
Joe Long
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