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Re: AERC Completion Time Rule
In a message dated 98-01-15 05:47:08 EST, jlong@mti.net writes:
In the 50, the *First Place* time was 13 hours, 43 minutes, and 40
seconds including holds (I looked it up). Under our current rule,
*nobody* would have completed the 50. Even with the 15 hour limit we
only had about a 50% completion rate in the 50.
Does this mean those riders were wimps? That their horses weren't
good enough for endurance? Bullsh*t!!!!!! Everyone who completed
that ride rode one of the toughest rides of their lives. And, we
didn't have a single horse in trouble or needing metabolic treatment!
Well, some people say "Too bad, bad things happen to good people."
Sorry, that's no excuse for arbitrary rules making them happen. We
trust our ride managers on much weightier matters ... the trail, trail
measurement, the competence of the vets they hire. I cannot believe
they cannot be trusted with *some* discretion to allow longer ride
times under abnormal conditions.
Until this discussion took place here, I had no thought of doing
anything about this issue this year. After reading the amount of
support on this list for fixing the rule, I am formally petitioning
the Board to address this issue, and come up with a proposal to take
to the Membership. Final action could take place at the mid-year
meeting for a change effective with the 1999 ride season.
Joe Long >>
Thank you, Joe....I have seen this happen myself....Teddy
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