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Re: total ride time
On Wed, 14 Jan 1998 08:50:47 EST, MBowers472 <MBowers472@aol.com>
>I have not been able to download and read all the has been said about total
>ride time, for instance, I can;t read Joe Long's letter. The board has looked
>at this from every angle -many times since I have been on the board. We have
>arrived at the conclusion each time that the current rule is the better
>choice. That doen't make it better, but we have spent much time on the issue,
>and the 24 of us came to that conclusion.
Uh, correction ... a majority of the Board voted to keep the rule as
it is, but it was never unanimous (at least during the many votes
while I was on the Board).
The very fact that this issue keeps coming back year after year should
tell the Directors that they have *not* got it right, and that it will
continue to keep coming back until they do.
Joe Long
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