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Re: Completion time
Thank goodness for good hearted people. When I was on a CTR (non AERC) my
horse went ballistic about two miles out of camp and the final vet check.
One kind rider stayed behind to help me bring my horse in safely and she
stayed with me when we got to camp teaching me how to bring his temperature
and P& R down to safe levels. I was not expecting to get completions for
that ride adn thanked her for giving up her completinoto help me.
We were pleasantly surprised when the ride management did give us
completions and awards. Other horses didn't even finish at all because of
the extreme heat and humidity that day.
chris paus &s tar
At 11:26 AM 1/14/98 -0600, Betsy O'Shea wrote:
>So, the next time I just leave that person lying there with a broken arm or
>head if I want to get a completion? My choice is not to stay, ethics demands
>that I do. Isn't this a bit rigid! Is that how AERC is?
>At 11:44 AM 1/14/98 EST, you wrote:
>>In a message dated 98-01-14 11:13:32 EST, you write:
>><< Teddy,
>> I am following the controversy regarding completion times on ridecmp. If
>> you stop to help a rider in trouble, will you be given your time back?
or be
>> given a completion if you are late as a result of giving assistance.
>> Betsy O'Shea and Afterglow
>> Paola, Kansas
>> >>
>>Generally not...yet, you are often rewarded in other ways....It was YOUR
>>choice to stop and help when you could have gone on...the "ultimate?"
>>sacrifice...no completion?
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