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Re: AERC completion time rule - feedback wanted
On Wed, 14 Jan 1998 11:57:34 EST, CMKSAGEHIL <CMKSAGEHIL@aol.com>
>Teddy makes the point that makes the rule change unnecessary--if there is
>REALLY a good reason why an overtime rider should be granted completion,
>petition the Board on a case-by-case basis. Odds are they will listen, and if
>there is truly merit, an exception may be granted. This is FAR more palatable
>than a rule change.
In the case of an individual rider, yes. I would not want to see ride
managers be able to grant special exceptions to any individuals.
However, severe weather affects everyone equally, and vandalism
usually affects many if not all riders. Or, the guy with the shotgun
blocking the trail and not letting anyone by (I was present at this
one -- although that particular case didn't need a time extension).
These are the kinds of conditions for which IMO the ride manager needs
the authority to extend the maximum completion time, for *all* riders,
at the time of the ride. It isn't practical to say "go ahead and
finish even though you know the (whatever disaster occured) won't let
you make the time, and we'll ask the AERC board to give you
completions." The ride manager on the ground is the one who needs to
asses the situation and decide if it calls for extending the time of
*his* ride.
No, not to make it easy -- but to prevent denying people the fair
chance to complete that they have a right to expect when they pay
their entry fee.
Joe Long
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