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Re: Overdrive
>When your husband says never haul in overdrive ('97 Ford Powerstroke and
>hauling 6,000 pounds) does he REALLY mean that when I'm cruising on a nearly
>level road with my diesel tach about 1200 and speedometer 65-ish I should
>throw it out of overdrive????? (As soon as it does indicate we're under
>load, I put it out of overdrive and keep it there 'till we're in the
>previous situation.)
When the powerstorke is acellerating at 65 mph in overdrive I don't see
much sense in dropping it out of OD. I don't know about other people with
this engine, but I can put the sucker in cruse at 65 to 70 in OD and it
just purrs on down the road. At 65 I am running at about 2000 rmp (411
rear end with the automatic).
Truman Prevatt
Mystic "The Horse form Hell" Storm
Little Stormy - getting ready for her first ride in six years
The Rockman, a.k.a Misty Jr.
Jordy, a.k.a. Bridger - Finaly getting his shot
Sarasota, FL
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