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Re: AERC completion time rule - feedback wanted
Bob & All,
>Reply-To: <bobmorris@rmci.net>
>From: "Robert J. Morris" <bobmorris@rmci.net>
>To: "Linda Van Ceylon" <equine_athletes@hotmail.com>,
>Subject: Re: AERC completion time rule - feedback wanted
>Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 22:00:08 -0700
>Linda and Ride Camp:
>I very definitely disagree with Ramey. He fails to state the entire
>61.1 This rule pertains only to those finishing in the TOP TEN, not
>finishing in over 12 hours in a fifty!!! Ramey , you should know
><<The problem I have with the overtime situation is the diversity of
>courses we have>>
>This is the name of the game, meet the challenge and endure. No one
>the bear in the cave you enter would be in a good mood!!!>
Bob, I'm well aware of the name of the game. And, believe it or not,
I'm trying to keep it that way. What RM's try to deal with, on a ride
by ride basis, is offering the riders (customers) a FAIR challenge.
However, RM's will not get lot's of repeat customers, if they come to a
challenging ride and are DQ'd for over-time when the problems were due
to extenuating circumstances and are not fault of the RM or the rider.
It is much harder to put on a ride these days, than it was 10-15 years
ago, at least in this area it is.
><<Then if you have a tough 50, with two holds, or the weather gets
>bad, etc...., you have more time to finish without an *exception* to
>This is ENDURANCE RIDING, not a therapy session to make every one feel
>good. Adversity builds character and personal strength. These excuses,
>they are really excuses, would be a crutch for those with out strength,
>with out the ability to take things as they occur. If I do not finish a
>ride it is MY fault, not the fact there was not enough time, the trail
>mismarked, the weather was bad etc. IT WAS MY FAULT AND I DO NOT NEED
I must say that having you at a ride must be a ride manager's dream.
You are definitely, one in a million (or at least 1,000).
><<> I think something needs to change & I'm open to lots more
>Yes, Yes, something needs to change. Most particularly ATTITUDE!! This
>ENDURANCE RIDING not a Sunday picnic in the park. If you want to have
>thing easy and sure then go ride on a merry-go-round (even then the
>may break down). Why can we not live with the thought endurance riding
>not intended to be easy??? It once was "to finish is to win" Now it is
>I don't finish I will complain".>
I agree, the riders do need a new attitude, for the most part. They are
spoiled. Why should they go to a ride that is really 50 miles of rugged
trail, and finish in 12.5 hours, for no completion. When they can go
to another ride that is just maybe, but not really 50 miles, and finish
easily in 5.5 hours. Personally, I'd prefer to go do nothing but the
tougher rides. But, there must be a balance. We need the flexibility
of ride management discretion on completion time. We need the repeat
customers if we are to continue to put on rides. I think it would be a
shame to loose the few tough rides we have left!
>Guess being a Marine spoiled me.>
I think the Marine Corps must have softened up a bit since your time,
Bob. Two of the biggest whiners I know are middle-aged ex-Marines.
Now, I'm not saying all Marines complain. Just the ones I know;-)
Lindavan, Buhni, Sunny, Fiddler, Rabbit & Rain Maker
Equine Athletes <equine_athletes@hotmail.com>
2921 Moore Lane, Fort Collins, CO 80526
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