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Re: AERC completion time rule - feedback wanted
In a message dated 98-01-13 02:22:39 EST, jlong@mti.net writes:
<< I will support you in any way I can, but unless attitudes on the
Board have changed you have an uphill fight.
Well after much in-house dissusion here with Carol.. We DO remember when ride
mgrs had the ability to set ride time based on the number and length of
holds.. AND the conditions.
I kinda thought the way it went back here east/ NE.. was-- as long as the
actual ride time.. read riding time on the trail..not total elasped time
---was 24 hrs for the 100 miles .. then the total elasped time could be longer
then 24 hrs..
We were not big time into endurance back in the 70's.. but I thought that was
the way it was done.
Could see how it may be abused..
I know for a fact many riders-- ride mgrs- do fudge the time.. the clock gets
stuck at 23:59.. or 11:59..
SOme rides give you the ride completion but not AERC completion.
The LD's here in the SE.. almost never have someone over time..
The postiton is the LD is a learning ride and not a real race.. and it does
not count on the 'open' year end awards or mileage outside of the LD
program..Why not let them 'finish'
Of course in CTR --NATRC.. if you are over time..there is no break given..
not even 30 seconds.. been there done that..
I would like to take the hard line like the old timer hard liner Bob.. and
say well try next year.. and that has happened.. to me..as a rider and mgr
We ran a ride in PA.. we had to be the bad guy and cut -DNF- a number of
riders on our ride each year because of over time.. we stuck by the 12 hrs no
breaks. Riders got lost -- they did not follow ribbons.. you all know how
that goes..
or just did not work hard enough to make the time-- ride too tough??not
However there may be times when a legal out should apply..
This is NOT WW2 MARINES ---Bob..
Ride managers should be able to adjust times.
Not so sure the ride time should change AFTER the start.. has been done
before.. some riders miss the word and run in to make the 12/24 hr to find out
others 'were told' they had another hr.. not fair.. to those who pushed their
horses to make the cut off..finish time
OD 50 2 yrs ago had bad trail damage- ribbons gone.. the word was there would
be a time ext to 13 hrs.. SInce I was running slow.. and did figure out the
trail used the map and knew we had to go north not south.. look at the sun..
I carry a compass too.. so I figured out the trail.. but lost about 30
I was NOT going to trust the 'mgmt' at the last vet check.. and decided to
finish in 12.. I passed MANY riders on the way in..WHO THOUGHT they had extra
The ride time was 12hrs as posted..
Should they have been able to allow another hr?? offical..How do you get the
word to all the riders who left the last VC to not push it in
TOO much burden on the staff.
In ECTRA we could change the times UNTIL the first rider went out.. then it
was too bad.. no matter what --ride mgr could not change the time.. They would
petiton the BOD AFTER the ride asking for completion only-- for those that did
make make it on time due to 'problems'. THey did not get placing points..
Seemed fair.
Some sort of offical recourse should be allowed.. for completion mileage
Management may be able to pass the request to the BOD? for an approval based
on the conditions that caused the problem.
Therefore Steph.. lets go for it.. WE are AERC.. Get new attitudes on the
BOD.. read new faces?? BUT WHO wants to run?? and put up with us email
Think we CANT change the rules.. think again.. NATRC THOUGHT they would NEVER
change the electrolyte or EasyBoot rule.. HA its a done deal.
IF the riders put on the pressure the change will come.
This should be fixed so the policy works for all.. above board.. not under the
table and fudge the completions.
Roger R
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