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Orthoflex new pad system
- To: <ridecamp@endurance.net>
- Subject: Orthoflex new pad system
- From: Leonard.LIESENS@DG10.cec.be
- Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 21:07:31 +0100
- X400-Content-Type: P2-1988 (22)
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- X400-Originator: Leonard.LIESENS@DG10.cec.be
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I gor finally my Orthoflex saddle. Wonderful. exactly what I was expecting as color, but their new pad system...
The one I rode during the Tevis had booties and the whole system was looking perfect and did peerfectly work, I mean for Sukaro HCC, Steph's arab gelding.
But now they changed this and the saddle was delivered with a so_called 'numnah' which is made of 2 parts :
- one is a white fleece shaped as a saddle with felt on one side and something looking like wool (but it can be synthetic as well) on the other side.
- the other part is something looking like a regular dressage/jumping saddle pas, but with a whole shaped as a saddle in the middle and velcro attachments.
No schema, no explanation or getting started to be found...
I think that the white fleece goes on the horse with the whole part in contact of the horse and the felt in contact with the panelling system.
The pad with the whole seems to be there only as a finishing touch, maybe to protect or hide the panelling system and presumely goes on top of the first pad and around the saddle.
Are other ridecamp buddies experimenting this new system and can you tell me if I am right or not.
Thanks for help
Leonard, from Belgium
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