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Re: Completion times
On Mon, 12 Jan 1998 16:33:11 -0700, "Robert J. Morris"
<bobmorris@rmci.net> wrote:
>This last reason is the one that concerns me the most. Is it our (AERC)
>responsibility to lower the standards so no one will feel the sting of
>defeat?? This factor of defeat is what made Endurance Riding! You do not
>win every time. This is real life, not the false one every one is trying to
>promote. Not the Lake Wobegon life where every one wins!!
This is not about lowering standards ... it's about recognizing that
not all trails are of equal difficulty, and that sh*t happens,
including severe weather conditions. A rider who takes thirteen hours
under severe conditions has *endured* far more than one who takes
eleven hours on a flat cakewalk. And, if we need arbitrary means to
provide defeat, why not just roll the dice for every rider at the
finish line, and everyone who's dice comes up an odd number is pulled?
>I have encountered every exception you have listed and so have many others
>and we do not whine.
>I strongly oppose any modifications to the rules that make it possible for
>I strongly oppose any ride manager who "modifies the rules" for exceptions.
>I strongly oppose any thing that makes completing an endurance ride easier.
Yes, and that was the name of the game when ride managers had the
authority to set the allowed completion times according to conditions.
This rule was passed to stop the abuse promulgated by *two*
individuals. Just as high-profile cases make bad law, this
over-reaction by the AERC to a specific problem has caused, IMO, far
more harm than good.
However, it is your opinion that has always prevailed on the Board,
which is why we are still stuck in that arbitrary straightjacket.
Oh, a clarification: I do not agree with allowing extra time to
individual riders (such as those who stop to help another rider). The
time should IMO be adjusted for trail conditions (especially weather)
or a general blockage, but it should be adjusted equally for everyone.
Joe Long
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