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Re: Price of Horses
In a message dated 98-01-11 13:30:16 EST, you write:
<< Most of us are far more concerned about
getting our horses into the hands of capable people--we just can't afford to
GIVE them away for a few hundred dollars, and shouldn't have to. Still, if
you think we are getting those big bucks, you haven't shopped most of the
reputable breeders! >>
Sometimes YEARS of careful selective breeding to PROVEN distance horses goes
into the breeding and raising of good prospects. These are the kind of
"prospects" that are far better than average. It is (or should be) a well-
known fact that most horses "Acquire" good traits...fromk behaviorial to
soundness to metabolic. Getting a "cheap" horse MAY get you lucky, but your
risk is far greater than buying a proven blood from someone who has done the
right job in selective breeding and careful upbringing. I agree you never get
back what you have in them (at least financially), but a good horse going to a
good home is part os the consideration...good sales (happy buyers and sellers)
leave good reputations.
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