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Stake-out rig from the Field Trail world
Re all the inquiries about portable corrals:I have a great recipe
for a dirt-cheap and tangle proof stake-out rig,which I will gladly
describe by telephone if anyone wants to call. It's just too much
typing,and would be confusing even if I did type it.Your horse can be on
it comfortably for days at a time,and you can keep it on the trailer for
emergency use anywhere.We Field Trial people use 'em so we can can go off
to a motel without any worry-'course most Field Trial people are
psychologically incapable of worry,but that's another story.I worry if my
animals have so much as a a hangnail,and I feel very comfortable with
this stake-out. I believe stake-outs are not allowed in some
organizations?If that's so,it was no doubt due to some poorly designed
rig causing big trouble. This rig is super,and you get most of the
components free from your local favorite auto mechanic's junk collection.
Ray O. 804 589 1995 EST
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