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Re: Pony prices and training...Trish & pretty David
Did you go through the roundpen training with David,...I mean, really
go through it?
It is the basis for all additional level work. John L. doesn�t really
cover anymore than the basics, but you cannot skip the roundpen
training or what it means. I think he now has a dressage method, but I
havn't read it.
But the roundpen lessons include: 1. directing David's rate of speed
and turns in the roundpen. 2. directing which way he turns (toward
the fence or to you). 3) follows your cues in the roundpen w/total
attention to you but means it.
It wouldn�t seem these beginning steps are very important to spooking,
but they really are, and teaching the reaction to spooking comes after
the roundpen lesson is very well learned and understood by all parties.
It didn�t click as much with me until I saw a demonstration, and I
understood the reasoning behind it. But when you say it didn�t really
work with you on David�s back, this is what clicked in my brain to ask.
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