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Re: Dry Feet--Ariat review
In a message dated 98-01-10 10:51:37 EST, you write:
<< >
>Ariat Extreme riding boots- Great for keeping feet warm and dry. Very
>comfortable too.
Last year I posted a rave review about the Ariat "Winter" boots. They
were replaced with the Ariat "Extreme". I must now say I am
"Extreme"-ly disappointed with the change. Here are the things I don't
like about the "Extreme" that were perfect on the old model.
1. Hate that thick roll of fabric at the top. It hurts the back of my
leg. Plus it makes the boot feel bulky and clunky.
2. Hate the way boot fits in the achillies area. It rides too high &
3. The tongue is too short and too bulky.
4. They are not comfortable to walk in.
5. Hate the way they cause blisters on the outside of my heels.
6. Hate the way they don't even feel good when you are sitting down. >>
When I first got into the sport I had a pair of Ropers. The first time I got
off and ran with my horse I blistered like crazy. Traded the Ropers for a pair
of hiking boots. They were perfect. I like to run with my horse, I like to
have some traction when I hit the ground. However, I also wanted something
that would maybe get a few more miles than your average cheap pair of hikers.
Something that would support my high arches, that would fit under my half
chaps, something that looked good with my riding tights and also with my
jeans. (That being the last consideration! ;-) )
Last year I treated myself to a pair of Ariat Extremes after seeing them in
I have put well over 700 miles on my Extremes in the past year, in competition
and conditioning. I disagree with every one of the statements above. They keep
my feet dry, they fit under my half chaps, I RAN alot of miles over all kinds
of terrain in them. Oh, and they look great as a fashion accessory! ;-) No
blisters, no discomfort, NO complaints. Perhaps yours are a size too small or
Anyhow, everyone is entitled to their own feelings and opinions. You have
obviously had a bad experience with your Extremes. You hate the boots, I love
them. Would buy them again in a heart beat!
Happy trails and Happy shoe shopping,
Darlene Anderson
& the FeatherB
Stanwood, WA
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