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Those things are awful-and unneccesary. I am a person who is
fanatical and fussy about all my gear,but especially so re saddle girth
rigging and stirrups/stirrup leathers. The answer to a perfect "hang" is
to simply put a half twist in the leather on the front side of the
stirrup whilst in the correct hang position.. In other words,your leather
is now "Upside down" as it enters the buckle. This hang'em straight. Here
are two further refinements I wouldn't be without:First take the entire
aforementioned set-up and turn the entire apparatus UPSIDE DOWN-your
buckle is now at your Foot,in front of your stirrup,where it can create
no bulk,lumps,or rubbing,and the slack of your strap is hanging downward
-where it can be tucked into your oversized hooded stirrup,another safety
and convenience I wouldn't be without. Second refinement: The entire
affair is slid through a 15 inch tunnel-back fender,from Tucker's in
Memphis,which you of course will not hesitate to modify by
trimming/chamfering any offending rubbing spots with a razor blade,and by
riveting the front face of the fender to the "topmost" of the two
straps.Phew!One picture really would be worth 1K words here! One thing I
like about you E folks is your unwillingness to live with a saddle that
s___ks.BUT:I suggest sometimes doing more modifying than buying.My
beloved Buena Vista was junk until I cut off the original rigging and
fabricated a forward,in-flap rigging,etc,etc."But they MADE it this
way!",folks will say,on the assumption that "they" knew what they were
doing,and disregarding the fact that to this day every maker's rigs are
different. It's an endless attempt to quantify the un-quantifiable,so get
out your tools-if thy billet strap offend thee,pluck it out.Rivets are
easier than sewing,by the way. Whilst flaming here,I believe Len Brown
of Ortho-Flex has advanced the design history of the saddle by a quantum
leap,and I say this as a person who does not like Ortho-Flex saddles (too
high,due to the panel system.)Nonetheless,the definitive identification
of the problem of saddle-horse dynamics has now been
made.Additionally,their recognition of rigging ,girthing,and stirrup
problems has been educational for all students of the saddle.I know there
have been some service and warranty problems,but that's a different
subject. 'Nuff said.
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