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Re: Next endurance prospect

>Well Shelly, I'd LOVE to be able to pay the big bucks for my next 
> I don't think "willing" is the problem.  "Able" is the problem.  I'll
>never be in a position to pay $10,000+ for a horse, unless, of course, 
>give up eating, paying the mortgage, etc.   Endurance is, in many ways,
>a poor man's sport.>

Here, here!!

  I know, I know, don't anyone start with the"high
>cost of equipment", how much we pay for our trucks,  etc.  Many of us
>are pinching pennies as you can see from lots of posts from people
>wanting patterns for blankets and recipes for cheap fly spray, etc.

I second that.

>I'd love to get rid of all the backyard broncs in my barn and replace
>them with  really nice show quality Arabs...   Who wouldn't???>

Given, what I've seen of the current "show quality" Arabs, no thanks.

Lindavan, Buhni, Sunny, Fiddler, Rabbit & Rain Maker
Equine Athletes <>
2921 Moore Lane, Fort Collins, CO  80526

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