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Re: Stone bruises & hoof hardeners
On Fri, 9 Jan 1998 23:49:33 EST CMKSAGEHIL <CMKSAGEHIL@aol.com> writes:
>Ummm--formalin IS formaldehyde--just 1/4 strength....
O.K. Heidi, long as you're on this one, and I guess I sorta got this
formaldehyde thing going. I'd like your opinion on this.
There's been lots of what folks are calling "White line disease" coming
and going around here. The old timers say it's simply a form of thrush
that attacks the hoof wall. Two years ago, almost overnight it seemed
all my unshod horses (the ponies) were stricken with it and you could
literally run a hoof pick up to an inch in the seperation around their
white line. My vet had me soak cotton in iodine and glycerine and pack
it up in there. It was messy, time consuming and took forever to work.
This year I saw it coming on again. Some people seem to think it goes
with weather patterns. Whatever, I painted it with formaldehyde. I
figured that would kill anything that liked moisture. Bingo. It was
gone faster than I could have imagined. Know anyone else who is using
this? Was it disappearance a coincidence? One case on a neighbor's
horse was fairly advanced. Another neighbor had a farrier who trimmed
away all the damaged hoof and that mare was out of commission much
I'd appreciate your input. (Or anyone else's)
Angie McGhee and Kaboot (think I'll just keep my shoes on thankyou)
>Heidi Smith, DVM--Sagehill Arabians (Oregon)
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