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Re: Next endurance prospect
Dear Sandy
Where are you going with this? Sorry you were offended, it was not ment in
that spirit? This is a discussion of encouraging people to compete in
endurance events at what ever level they can, even with a low cost horse.
and what I though was a funny story. I don't care what any one pays for a
horse. Where is the threat?
Cost does not NECESSARILY mean quality and performance There is NO
argument on this . This is a friendly discussion about diamonds in the
rough (It ain't that heavy)
Just neat stories about nice horses, nice people saying"I didn't spend a
lot for my horse, we do quite well"
If the horse you want is 5000. go for it. If your dream horse happens to
only be 300. go for it.
As far as the comment on Horse breeders (It was a compliment) Most breeders
we know are capable in there field and are not dependent on the support of
any group of people. There business dealings and breeding programs create
the demand and success of there Breeding farms....... I was responding to
the person referring to "we as a group" comment.
Got to go, Have a nice day
>>>In a message dated 98-01-09 12:34:47 EST, you write:
>>><< The point is You don't need a 4,000. + dollar horse to compete (and
>>> well.) Price of horses should never discourage an individual from thinking
>>> a 200 horse can not compete. Horse breeders can take care of them
>>> selves.......
>>> >>
>>>I am srtuggling with the import of this paragraph. Can someone help me? I
>>>THINK she means don't worry about the breeders. If so, FINE. However, there
>>>are a number of us who eventually include (or perhaps along with distance)
>>>breeding, showing and other competition that require certain qualities not
>>>usually found in the $500 horse. For example, all those $500 yearling and 2
>>>year old halter champ babies - I have seen many and riden a few and
>>>a couple. None were suited to the wide variety of activities we use our
>>>for. And so, $3-5000 is what we expect to pay for a horse of expansive
>>>and potential, never mind proven ability. We don't consider halter
>>>ability or
>>>quality or potential. And so most bargain horses just don't suit us. IT just
>>>depends upon what your longterm expectations are for your horse and
>>>Perhaps the best hrose I ever had is still with me - our 23 year old
>>>mare, who
>>>is getting ready for the trip down to a 25 miler. She has gone western,
>>>show hack, dressage, parade, driving, penning, and endurance. Oh yes,
>>>and top
>>>5 in halter in her youth! This was a $4000 18 years ago! A big price?
>>>Certainly! Unproven? Yes indeed! Potential? Obviously. A LOT of work? Which
>>>horses aren't. But she wasn't cheap. She IS worth every penny. And so am I
>>>glad I didn't wait around for teh bargain girl? Yes indeed! Wish us luck! I
>>>HATE to be wet!
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