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Re: Next endurance prospects
Hi who ever you are?
I would like to respond to you. Unless I know who you are and if you are a
horse owner or owner AND breeder. Other than saying: I completely think
you are off base thinking 200. horses will jeopardize Endurance
The point is You don't need a 4,000. + dollar horse to compete (and compete
well.) Price of horses should never discourage an individual from thinking
a 200 horse can not compete. Horse breeders can take care of them
Woops I commented (*The 500.00 horse. It wasn't the price that was bad,
it was the choise of horses)IMHO no offence meant........
> I did not see one message regarding paying the price a horse is worth.
> If we are not willing to pay what a horse is worth, who is going to
>keep breeding top horses?
> I do not have a problem paying top dollar for a well bred horse that
>a professional breeder has spent time, money, energy, and heart breeding.
>If it costs $1200 a year to raise a horse, Why aren't we willing to spend
>what the horse cost to raise??
> If we are not willing to spend the money for these horses, the
>breeders are not going to have the devotion to breed good horses.
> I, too, have purchased horses for $500, those horses needed someone
>who was an excellent rider, and had the time a patience to correct someone
>elses mistakes. Those horses are rare and I usally spent 2 years getting
>the horse to where it could do a 50 mile ride in a decent state. (I also
>ended up putting at least $2500 into the horse before I did my first 50.) I
>also bought $500 horses that were $100 horses and I waisted alot of time
>and energy on a useless horse!!!
> If we, as a group, are not willing to pay for these horses who will
>be breeding are next endurance prosects????
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