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Attention: Virginia riders-Trail News
Sally Aungier
01/09/98 10:26 AM
Late Breaking News!
I just received word last night that our RC&D Trails Committee has
completed its on site review of Fort Pickett (in Blackstone) as a potential
site for horse trails. Thanks to a very cooperative CO and his staff at
Pickett, work will begin immediately on marking four existing trails on the
40,000 acre tract. If all goes well, trails will open for use later this
spring. They will charge a small admission fee of $2-5 to riders.
Overnight facilities will be available. The only down side of this
arrangement is that riders will be asked to check in 24 hours before
arriving to ensure that the base is open for riding on that day. There
will be days when the National Guard is there doing maneuvers and they will
not allow riding.
If you are interested in receiving more information about this trail when
it is ready, email me privately and I will put you on my list.
This trail will join the others we have successfully negotiated with the
state parks in Region 10 (mid-south part of the state). We now have trails
at Bear Creek State Park, James River State Park, Holiday Lake, Staunton
River Park and have other shorter trails which will be coming on board in
the next year. So far, we are finding these to be excellent places to
condition. I already have my eye on Bear Creek as a site for a 25 mile
CTR. Maybe next year I'll be ready to put on another ride <VBG>.
A brochure highlighting these trails is in the works and will be available
for distribution later this spring.
Let me know if your have any questions.
Sally Aungier
Powhatan, VA
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