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Re: Yosemite--Old Age, Alas! The Cavalry to the Rescue!
In a message dated 98-01-08 20:59:30 EST, you write:
<< trail was originally cut by horse people (with permission). Then a new
range came ont he scene and decided she wanted that trail just for hikers
and mountain bikes.
My training buddy and I rode that trail dozens of times this summer and
NEVER saw a mountain bike, and saw walkers only once. And they were
thrilled to see and pet our horses. It's the pits >>
They have closed some local trails near me to riders as of last summer as
well. I only found out about it recently, as I haven't used those particular
trails lately. The DNR (Dept. of Natural Resource)'s excuse: area horseman
already have nice horse trails in Hadley, they don't need them in Holly too.
Though I have seen hikers on these trails, they have never seemed to mind the
horses! I'm not one to just shrug my shoulders and say, "oh well," however,
and am going to check out the options on getting these trails re-opened to
Trish & "pretty David"
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