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Re: Groundwork vs. Riding
In a message dated 98-01-06 23:35:23 EST, you write:
<< . The current orthodoxy seems to be that all
under saddle behaviour troubles are groundwork and/or pecking order
problems.My horse is an angel in hand,he follows me around like a dog,and
he is responding quickly and with enthusiasm to my novice attempts at
groundwork.I'm going to do the groundwork and see how things go-it's
fun.But I must say I'm not optimistic that it'll have any effect under
saddle.I believe the solution,if it is found,will occur under
saddle. >>
I too, will be waiting breathlessly for these answers, as I've similar
problems with my horse David--he is a big labrador retriever when worked from
the ground. I can't correct him from groundwork because he rarely does
anything wrong. It is only after I am on his back that things can get hairy.
Trish & "pretty David"
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