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Re: groundwork vs. riding
Raymond O'Donohue wrote:
> > TeresaVery good points! My guy DID bump sideways into me once-the spook was
> legitimate,tho.He comes up to me,but never crowds me.He does tend to
> urinate in 2 situations-when I go into the barn to feed him,or,when I
> come out of the house to feed him down here. I think this is an
> accidental/coincidental learned response on his part,but read somewhere
> recently that geldings do some territorial urinating in freshly cleaned
> stalls.So I'm fighting fire with fire,just in case! But no,he respects me
> on the ground.Thanks again.
My mare always goes over to the corner of her paddock and pees when she
sees me coming out with her feed. I don't think it has anything to do
with being territorial in her case. She just takes her food very, very
seriously and if she pees first, then she can eat her meals in comfort,
and not have to worry about taking a break and leaving that wonderful
My gelding's a bit slow to follow his big sister's habits, but after
observing her doing this for the past couple years, recently he too
started this. They're so cute, each goes to a different corner and pees,
then they make a hasty dash for their feed buckets and hay feeders! (at
least they get some sort of exercise on these cold winter days!)
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