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Re: Suspensory Question
I had ride vets tell me my horse was sore because when they touched his
pastern, he picked his feet up. My farrier laughed and said this horse is
just so well trained that he picks his feet up right away, without any
effort. The horse was just complying with what he thought was a cue!
chris paus & star
At 04:53 PM 1/8/98 -0500, C.M.Newell wrote:
>At 03:21 PM 1/8/98 -0500, mkgehrin@n-jcenter.com wrote:
>> ...Finally, I had my
>>home vet come out and he said that she is sound and that if you squeeze
>>any horse's suspensories that they will flinch. So what's the scoop
>>with that? Any ideas?
> I have had the same experience. Many horses will react in this fashion,
>even though sound. It helps to know the horse--then you can detect an
>increase in sensitivity, as opposed to the baseline "Hey! Cut that out!"
>that a sound horse can give you.
> --CMNewell, DVM
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