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bit evasive pulling
Hi Ray - this has probably already been suggested, but how about experimenting with a mechanical hackamore? A horse that goes behind the vertical can evade a bit, but the hackamore pinches off his rocket fuel (otherwise known as air). Perhaps that will get his attention. I agree with you that this is probably an isolated habit, not a symptom of you being lower on the food chain. He tried it, it worked, and he's smart enough to remember. I also agree that the circling technique may have potential. Another avenue worth exploring may be his balance. A lugging horse is on the forehand, even when he tucks his head. If you can get him to round his back and sit down on his haunches, he won't be able to avoid you. He can't round his back and flex his hip without telescoping his neck - all those muscles are connected. So, I guess what I'm saying is, short term, try a hackamore. Long term, teach him to come on the bit properly and you'll be able to stop him whenever and wherever you need to. Hope this helps.
Chelle in slushy Vermont
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