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Re: long backs & arabs...questions
On Tue, 6 Jan 1998, RUN4BEAR wrote:
> The time has come for distance riders to recognize that you "get what you pay
> for". Get a cheap arab "castoff" from a breeder and maybe you will be lucky
> enough to get a good hrose. BUT, now we see an increase in responsible
Unfortunately, I cannot agree with this. I have seen nothing to indicate
that success as an endurance horse can be correlated in any way with price
paid for the horse. And this is not true only for endurance.
In my experience, some of the best horses out there (in whatever
discipline, except racing and breed showing, i.e. open performance
competition) were gotten for free...or a few hundred dollars. And some of
the most inadequate horses have been unreasonably expensive.
It would be nice if "you got what you paid for" as then price would be a
good indicator of ability, and horse shopping would be much easier. But I
haven't found it to be true.
Orange County, Calif.
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