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horse size
I am 5'8" and weighed 165 BEFORE the holidays. My little mare is 14.2 with
8" cannons and seems to be able to carry me pretty well. She's a pain in
the neck to mount at the beginning of rides, so if she were any taller, I'd
never be able to get on. I'm going to be starting her Karahty daughter this
summer and plan to do a lot more ground and arena work to insure she's
better trained than mom because she is bigger and I'm getting older and
more brittle all the time. Generally speaking I think conformation and not
size determines whether a horse is a comfortable ride. My little mare is
the smoothest trotting Arab I have ever ridden while the roughest was a 16
hand TB, and a little 14.1 hand Arab I used to own had a bigger (though not
smoother) trot than either of them. Look for a good shoulder for a smooth
ride and a long forearm for a longer stride.
Dorothy & Roshani ... a pair of middle-aged endurance enthusiasts
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