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RE: Paso Finos
My how touchy! Jerry, Lynne & Heidi: I just reread my message and am
amazed at how up tight you became in response to it. All I did was
respond to Heidi, (who was offering her observations as a vet),
indicating that what she said *was* opinion and not based on clear
empirical evidence, as one might expect from a vet. There simply isn't
enough experience with Paso Finos doing endurance to make these kinds of
categorical statements.
And the question wasn't about doing international competitions; the
question was simply whether Paso Finos could be used for
endurance...which they can, and should be good for endurance with
experience and conditioning...as with some other breeds. What I was
objecting to was the absolutist character of Heidi's statements, as well
as the condescending reference to "if it is your goal
to complete rides on Pasos, by all means go for it. But if your goal is
to advance as an endurance rider..." as if "advance" only meant being
number one in the world.
Finally, Jerry says: "With messages like yours, it discourages people
from posting their own
EXPERIENCES or opinion." Friends, this is my first post in *many*
months; if my rejoinder regarding Heidi's opinion is going to cause
people to refrain from posting, I am very sorry. But I guess it means
that dialogue and discussion isn't what is wanted, just individually
stated opinions without any disagreements.
Lynn-Marie & "Mama Marucha"
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