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Death Valley Encounter
My family had a really great time at the DVE. We took 3 horses and each did 2 days.
My daughter rode the last 2 days while I rode Days 1,2 &4 and my wife rode day 3. There
is so much I could say about each day but I'm not that energetic to keep writing!
We had some minor problems with some of the horses, but nothing major and they all
looked great on new years day and ready to start another 50. I couldn't be happier with
their performance and current state of health considering their condition going into the
ride. We plan on riding them all easily today they look so good. JD is all puffed up and
strutting around his pasture wanting to know when he can go again.
The vets and help was great, the camping spots really nice. Thanks to Jim and Jackie
for continueing to put on a nice multi day right in my back yard.
For the number crunchers, day 2, the day not to miss had a climb from 1000 ft to 6250
ft in 7 miles after you had already ridden 30 miles with a 1000 ft climb and 2000 ft
descent in the morning. And a lot of this over rocky trails. After the 7 mile climb you
had flat meadows and more climbing to the highest point at 7300 feet in the snow.
However as Julie Moreland and I crested the summit at 5:00 PM with a beautiful sunset
Julie commented that it was all worth it. And it was. I could have skipped day 2 and had
enough horse to finish days 3 & 4 but I'm glad I didn't skip it. ( I'm not sure my horse
agreed right then).
I think I'm hooked on multi days, now how can I quit work so I can do all the multi
days and afford this.
Congratulations to all who attended and had a really nice time.
Jim Mitchell
Bakersfield, Ca.
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