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Re: bone chip and vet in
>... Just don't become one
>of those x-ray totin' fools that thinks an "off" horse should get through
>because he has an old owie.
I just *love* it when I tell someone their horse is lame at a vet in, and
get the reply, "Oh, he always moves like that."
I've taken to telling them, "then he's always lame, isn't he?"
Don't get me wrong--I know there are horses out there with mechanical gait
abberations. But it always blows me away when someone wants to take a sore
horse out at the start of a ride. I can't figure how you could ride
distances and not have a decent enough relationship with your horse to be
concerned if he's painful. Fortunately, it's not all that common.
--CMNewell, DVM
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