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Re: Cherry sawdust
The comments already posted about cherry being potentially toxic are
correct--I would not risk it.
I would like to add one more comment, though--all of these posts have been
about SAWDUST as opposed to SHAVINGS. I would under NO circumstances use ANY
type of sawdust as bedding. The wood product that makes good bedding is
shavings. Sawdust has many tiny slivers than can get into eyes, respiratory
tracts, etc. when horses lie down in it--I am currently treating a weanling
colt with a tremendous eye irritation that we hauled home recently and
inadvertently got sawdust instead of shavings in the trailer. He didn't even
have to lie down in it--just had it disturbed in the trailer--to get some in
one eye. We have his corneal ulcer cleared up from it, but still don't have
the eye back to normal (still irrititating particles under the lids that are
too tiny for us to see and remove)--NOT a nice situation! So PLEASE stick to
shavings and discontinue the sawdust!
Heidi Smith, DVM--Sagehill Arabians (Oregon)
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