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Re: trail safety
On Thu, 01 Jan 1998 22:34:07 -0800, Terry Woolley Howe
<cancer@inetworld.net> wrote:
>I would appreciate some feedback from the group.
>Do you riders prefer dirt roads to single tract trails that require
I think a ride with too much road is b . o . r . i . n . g. I very
much prefer trails.
>Do you feel uncomfortable on a trail that is 3 feet wide alongside a
>drop off?
No. Oh, I've been on a few like that where I was sorta tense ... but
I'd go back in a hearbeat.
>If you have ever ridden the Mt. Laguna Ride, do you feel the trail is
>too dangerous for endurance?
I haven't ridden there, but from the descriptions I would say no.
Endurance riding isn't for wimps. Someone who wants a boulevard
trail and all the amenities should look elsewhere IMO.
>I would appreciate your input.
My favorite rides, the ones I'll go back to year after year, have lots
of trail and lots of challenge. Sure, when running for points I'll do
the road rides, but they're not as much fun and aren't the ones we
tell stories about later.
Joe Long
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- References:
- trail safety
- From: Terry Woolley Howe <cancer@inetworld.net>
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