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Re: New Thread
>Okay here you go folks! Anyone out there ever compete a horse or even OWN a
>horse with a heart murmur? What do you do with them, how much do you ride and
>do you ever compete them?
Well, *I* have a heart murmer, but it has never slowed me down. ;-).
Anytime I tried to get sympathy for it the Dr. told me forget it. It
doesn't make a difference at all. Of course, I'm sure as with all
things it depends on the severity. Mine is obviously minor.
>Next question - What size horse do you prefer to ride.
15.3. :) But then I might be biased. I've ridden horses from
14 hands to 16+. 16 is a bit tall. 15.2 was just a little
smaller than I'm used to. May have something to do with that fact
that my favorite horse is 15.3.
Yes, he eats a lot more... most likely because he's a TB though...
and he's more expensive to keep than an Arab from what I can tell.
For 6 months last year I worked with a 14.2 1/2 Arab/QH who could
go all day. He was fun to ride and could easily do well. Had to
drop some weight first though.
:) - kat myers ... 5' 7"
in San Mateo (No.) Ca. with Magnum the TB ex-racer
...with a pretty head and 8 1/4" cannons
"Wow. That's a *big* Arab you have there..."
"No, he's just a *little* Thoroughbred!"
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