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First Ride - Death Valley Encounter
Well, made my very first LD ride at the DVE. And what an exciting
experience! Not only was it my first "official" ride, but it was the first
time I met and rode the horse I had, and the first time riding with
Lynn Kinsky! (My silent intention was to (1)stay on my horse, and (2)stay
on the trail....if we completed, then that was okay too!)
Ridecamp at the Bumgartner's was an interesting mix of parking styles,
with the overriding motto being "park outside the box". But, everything
worked, and horses and ridecampers had adequate space.
It was cold! Stars were magnificent, as they always are in the desert.
Since it was my first competition, and we felt that the horses were
not in condition to do the 50, Lynn and I decided to do the first day's
30 mile ride and to start after all other riders had left.
We left at 7:20 with no one in sight ahead of us, trying to keep our mounts
in a slow gait. Hah! Footing was solid the first 10 miles, then became
a mix of sand for long stretches, and rocky washes for others. The trail
was lined with lots of huge boulders and rocks......made for some interesting
zig-zagging when you're riding a horse who is suspicious of rocks at best
and boogeys instantly when he thinks they've made a move to "get" him.
The railroad crossing, at about mile 13, was an interesting obstacle,
especially since there was not any fill in the middle, and we had to step
over actual tracks, onto the rock and ties, in order to cross.
One wash entrance coming into the Pinnacles was particularly
challenging, as it was quite steep, footing was loose shale and rock,
and the sides were lined with the horse-killing rocks. Plus the trail
became very narrow at the bottom, with a wall of solid rock on one side,
a mean looking rock on the other side, and a sliding rock stair step for
the trail. After Anejo negotiated it rather well, Lynn commented that Anejo
had never even seen anything like this! (Now she tells me......)
The weather was perfect for our one-day ride. Both Peruvians completed
and vetted in sound. Am I hooked? You bet! Did I learn a lot? Absolutely!
You'll see me and Anejo in '98 in the Oregon rides, and possibly some in
Northern CA or NV. We'll be doing a couple more 25s or 30s, then attempt
our first 50. I can't wait!!
Peruvians and Keeshonden
So. Oregon
>Sue Riegel, So. Oregon
>Peruvians and Keeshonden
Sue Riegel, So. Oregon
Peruvians and Keeshonden
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