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Re: Jo Harper and the Rescue Posts
While I don't want to see the "whether to post or not to post" topic go on
forever, I, for one, welcome these rescue posts. They give me chance to
give back in an area where I'm always on the receiving end. I usually try
to do something in these rescue situations--after all, if we don't, who
Thanks, Jo, for making us aware of this situation in Michigan. I hope that
local law enforcement is able to make at least one felony count stick on
these people--it sure sounds like they deserve it.
I would like to see some sort of closure to the Michigan situation, so
perhaps you could post again when the case is adjudicated.
dorothy & elly
taylorsville, ca
PS--I don't think you're a "spammer."
> From: Jo Harper <mjo@navix.net>
> To: ridecamp@endurance.net
> Subject: Re: Jo Harper and the Rescue Posts
> Date: Wednesday, December 31, 1997 10:40 PM
> At 02:02 PM 12/31/97 -0500, you wrote:
> >>>Jo Harper is something quite new and unique in the world of horses on
> the Internet.
> Gee, Linda, thanks ... I've always wanted to be unique <s>.
> >>>I administer a listserve on Morgan horses. Jo Harper showed up there
> little over a month ago with similar horse rescue posts.
> To be fair, Linda, perhaps it would also be good to say that the original
> post asking for help in rescuing that horse, which was a Morgan, came
> the Morganlist and was cross-posted to several of the other lists I am
> In response to that request, I tried to adopt the horse. When another
> person was chosen to be the adopter and transportation became the issue,
> followed up on Morganlist where the original interest was. This didn't
> seem to be a wrong thing to do.
> >>>She is an equine listserve spammer. (A "listserve" is the technical
> term for a discussion list -- what Ridecamp is, what Equine-L is, what
> Dresssage-L and Arab-L are, and my own MorganList.) She subscribes to as
> many equine-related listserves as she can find, and sends them *all*
> of her various pleas for assistance. This is what she means when she
> that she is getting the word out to "the lists." The topic around which
> the listserve is formed is irrelevant: if it's horses, Jo tries to
> subscribe to it and send it her pleas. If you subscribe to multiple
> listserves, you will likely see her messages over and over again.
> Linda, I'm trying to figure out what generates this paragraph from you.
> Lots of horse list people cross-post to lots of lists. I wonder why in
> case you've chosen the epithet "spammer" and why you've chosen to write
> this particular message to Ridecamp. Most folks, when coming to messages
> in which they have no particular interest, simply push the delete button.
> I wonder why you would characterize my cross-posts as "trying to
> to horse lists in order to "send her pleas." Like you, I subscribe to
> horse lists in which I have an interest. Like you, I reply, post and
> cross-post items having to do with points of being involved with horses
> which I have an interest. It seems quite to be expected that some of my
> areas of interest will not necessarily be your areas of interest. I
> why that would generate a post from you with this tone and cast?
> >>>While I am sure she is sincere (I believe that Jo is a just-ordained
> minister) and while I acknowledge that this is all in a good cause, I
> eventually found the repeated pleas for assistance and some of the
> offshoot pleas that appeared (assistance for a physically challenged
> who wanted to adopt a horse from a group that coined themselves
> this woman's "Guardian Angels") to be off topic, intrusive, and
> a little weird. To her credit, Jo was entirely cooperative and courteous
> when I asked her to please "unsubscribe"
> MorganList from her list-of-lists.
> Thanks for including that word of credit. I don't know what my being a
> minister has to do with it. I appreciate that you acknowledge that my
> posts were in regard to a good cause. The "offshoot pleas" that appeared
> had to do with a Morgan horse, so it seemed that Morganlist was an
> appropriate place to post. That you found those posts to be off topic,
> intrusive and ultimately a little weird is your right and entitlement.
> Without meaning to flame in any way, but only to respond, I find this
> of yours to be somewhat the same.
> I'll admit that I'm saddened to be called a spammer and to be
> in this negative way. It has been my experience that horsepeople tend to
> be the most friendly, welcoming and generous people, as a group, that
> encountered perhaps ever, and especially when it comes to the welfare of
> horses and other equines. I have a horse (Arabian). I am learning to be
> horseperson. I am interested in competitive trail riding. I have
> subscribed to several lists accordingly. Based on my understanding of
> horse people and their concern for equines and their willingness to help
> special situations, I have made some of those special situations known to
> those horse people on the lists to which I subscribe. I have received
> responses from people from those lists, some on-list, most off-list.
> You're entitled to your opinion about my posts, Linda. I have no trouble
> with that. I am troubled, however, by the tone of your public expression
> of your opinion, and feel it necessary and appropriate to say so. While
> the meek will reportedly someday inherit the earth, and I hope to be one
> them, it doesn't seem to me to be fair to the good cause involved to let
> your post pass without comment.
> >>>Each list owner has to make up their mind what to do about Jo and her
> good causes.
> I did receive an inquiry from the Ridecamp list administrator about the
> blind cc's under which my messages were sent. I apologized for any list
> infractions that might have occurred and assured him that I understood if
> the messages could not be posted. He responded that the messages had
> through and that they were fine to be posted, that he was only inquiring
> about the way the the transmissions came through, something about because
> they were blind cc's they fell into his filters. I hope I am correctly
> characterizing my memory of his posts to me, and I invite him to say
> otherwise if not. So I guess that this list owner did make up his mind,
> you did yours. While you're sure entitled to, as you said, "ban forever"
> my posts to Morganlist, I wonder that you felt a need to share your
> personal dislike of my posts through the tone and comments to this other
> >>> As I said, she is something new and entirely unique in the Equine
> Internet world.
> Oh, I don't know ... others cross-post as well, and sometimes about
> situations.
> >>>Linda B. "Just Call Me Scrooge" Merims
> ok ~
> Linda, I mean no flame and do not intend to engage in any sort of
> You wrote. I responded. That's all, and only all, that I mean by this
> jo
> __________________________________________
> Jo Harper & Guy
> mjo@navix.net -- ICQ # 3596210
> Guy's Page: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/8620
> Horsefaces Volunteer: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/9060/
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