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Saddle Question

Do any of you have the OF Cutback - this year's model - with the new panels? I
have one here that belongs to a friend and she left it for me to look at. She
says it sits down oddly on her horse's back and rather bites him too far
forward instead sitting over a larger area of his back in a balanced way. I
have been checking it out and it LOOKS like the panels -newly designed to be
shorter - are TOO SHORT for her rather long backed horse. Has anyone else had
this problem? She just bought it, it was delivered a few weeks ago and she
can't use it. I am not sure this saddle will ever it her horse. I have seen
her horse and it just looks to me like it is too short in the panels - perfect
for my little 14.2 hand mare, but her horse is 15.2 and rather blocky in

Okay, let's here from you experienced saddle owners!

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