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Re: HR criteria...????

I really suspect that these types of horses have proportionally
smaller hearts that those that recover faster. Probably other genetic
and metabolic factors (we'll call them deficiencies) that enter into
it too.
Mia wrote:
> In a message dated 12/24/98 9:10:30 AM EST,
> << What do you think of riders who constantly complain about having
>  to meet a "60" pulse.  "My horse can't do that, he never does,
>  yet wins lots of rides."
>   >>
> I find this brings up an interesting question for me....I used to
compete on a
> horse, (non-arab) that took lots of time ~20-30 minutes to arrive at
64 !  I
> didn't ride him hard, in fact he rarely averaged over 7mph on a LD
ride!  He
> was very fit, eager, never had trouble, just his "normal" high HR. 
Are there
> any exceptions to the HR criteria for these type horses?
> leigh
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