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Re: 2way radios and cell phones

what a lot of bunk  really a far fetch   self interpetation of a rule
designed to stop the use of a pace horse..

the use of a 2 way radio no way does this.. the idea from thoses hwo
either use them or have used them is
to keep in contact with a companion rider on the trail--  or to let the
crew know you are comming in and to get ready and on station..

i see no issue here --so what-- it wont really make a rider get one up
on the better horse..only helps the rider to be at ease  and talk with
crew etc.. and not to figure out whats wrong with the horse either-- 

of course IF there is a problem -- it may prove quite useful..

as my past experience  when i was on a ride and a horse did tie up  i
was able to contact RM long before the riders could pass the word fwd..

some of you --Bob- Hidei --are really trying to push a silly point..

let those that want to play do it.. sure wont make much difference
 and we dont need a rule 

different stokes guys

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