I sold a wacky appy for rearing and rolling over on me. I too want to live
to ride another day! The appy might have been a good horse for somebody,
but not for me.
At 10:31 AM 12/23/97 -0800, you wrote:
>>> Indy is only 14.2, definitely a liability in any competitive timed
>>Why do you say this? Many if not most of the very successful endurance
>>horses have been under 14.3 hands. Take Rio for example. I could name
>>lots more.
>I think the reference is to a race track... where 14.2 is a disadvantage
>in stride... although not always. While a small horse with heart can
>and often will out run much larger horses, they always must run more
>flat out and have a higher risk of catestrophic (carreer ending)
>injury. "A good big horse will beat a good little horse any day".
>> [dangerous 2 yo free filly]
>As for the filly, there is no horse on this planet worth injury to a
>person. Period. My back and spine are fine. I plan to keep them
>that way. Personally, I really would like to ride many many more miles.
>There are several factors which can result in an un-rehabilitatable
>horse. Spoiling a baby is a real big one. Another is teaching them
>they are bigger and stronger than people. Severe abuse is another.
>There are too many good horses in this world to waste time and
>potentially a healthy human being on a ruined one.
>The woman I bought Magnum from has been perminately disabled by a
>dangerous horse (not Magnum) who was mis-represented to her. She has
>not ridden in years. The horse should have only gone to a trainer
>(or better yet shot) but the people who sold her the horse "Thought
>she was a good enough horse person to deal with the horse". They
>also neglected to tell her the horse intentionally flipped onto
>people becase they were afraid she wouldn't take him. Once.
>That's it. After she was injured she sold the horse to a trainer
>with all the proper disclosures, but if she had had him put down
>to keep from having something like that on *her* concious who out
>there would blame her???
>Trish is doing the right thing. Trying to avoid having a perminately
>disabled person on her concious. Trying to save her health for her own
>life and her own horses. If the filly is put down to avoid that one
>accident it's none too soon. If the filly goes to a trainer, she better
>be a damn good filly worth the trouble.
>Don't take this filly on to save her unless you really know what you
>are getting into.
>I have found out when you have your health you have everything. Thank
>goodness I still have mine.
>:) - kat myers
>in San Mateo (No.) Ca. with Magnum the TB ex-racer