ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Q re Sports Saddle

Re: Q re Sports Saddle

Sullys Maze (Sully@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU)
Fri, 19 Dec 97 19:41:32 PST

REPLY TO 12/19/97 19:37 FROM ridecamp@endurance.net: Q re Sports Saddle

The talk of standing in the stirrups of an OF saddle, and the
possibility that it causes problems <bg>, reminded me of a question I've
had in mind recently with respect to the Sports Saddle.

With no true tree in the saddle (if I understand correctly), the stirrups
are somehow attached to the middle part of the saddle, which is soft
padding. (I've been reading the websites.) Knowing that endurance riders
spend many hours standing up, with some or all of the rider's weight on
the stirrups, in varying degrees, for hours and hours ... how does the
weight distribution vary with a SS as opposed to a normal saddle with
tree? It is my understanding, from previous posts on this list, that
standing in the stirrups distributes the rider's weight across the entire
tree, thus on a broader portion of the horse's back. So, on a treeless
saddle, how is the weight distributed across the horse's back when the
rider is standing in the stirrups? Would standing in the stirrups a lot
reduce the longevity of this saddle?

Curious as always :)

Glenda & Lakota

---ACcording to Bob Marshall, the stirrups are attatched to webbing
that is sandwiched between the leather and neoprene. They attatch
to both the pommel and cantle, so that with conbination of riders
weight and thigh pressure, distribute weight evenly.

I believe that if you ride in a certain way, you CAN distribute
rider weight in this saddle. I don't think standing up tall in this
saddle would be a good idea, since you would tend to bear down on
the pommel and cantle.

What I do is sort of "float" lightly above the seat of the saddle at
the trot and canter. A traditional post isn't necessary. Becuase I
find this saddle to be so balanced, it is easy to "float."


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