ridecamp@endurance.net: Increase Traffic to Your Site

Increase Traffic to Your Site

Information (information@catalogsite.com)
Thu, 18 Dec 1997 12:36:56 +0000

Would you like your site to be seen by over 10,000 buyers each day for as little as $ 7 a day?

Do you want to dramatically improve the quantity and quality of traffic to your site, benefiting from
the same marketing strategy as Eddie Bauer, Williams-Sonoma, and J. Crew?

Catalog Site (http://www.catalogsite.com) has over two years of experience marketing and promoting commerce sites on the Internet. We've helped hundreds of companies drive quality customers to their sites at reasonable prices.

Every day we help match thousands of buyers to commerce sites. Catalog Site can help you
participate in the traffic that flows through busy sites like Yahoo!, Infoseek, and Snap Online.
We have been honored as a quality shopping resource by each of these sites, providing catalog
services for their online customers.

Please send a reply to information@catalogsite.com if you would like more information on having thousands of buyers a day visit your site.


Jorge Laguna
Marketing Manager
The Catalog Site

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