I don't recall reading of this behavior from a horse being ridden, but
only from the horse in a roundpen situation who is being pressured to
leave until asking to come back in.
Does this behavior apply to a ridden horse?
Mystery definately smells the ground at times...but then might stop on a
dime, with his head down, to get a better whiff if I'm not paying
attention! Ooops...sorry, forgot you were on my back! :-)
He use to put his head to the ground when he was still out of condition,
I think to help stretch out his back muscles. Perhaps he was displaying
some of the behavior Katja was talking about in her dressage
explanation, I don't know....
Gamble, Sue's "old man" use to ALWAYS travel with the nose to the ground
when going over tough terrain...up and down rocks and ditches etc. I
always trusted him because of this..I mean...I was bright green when I
rode him. Of course, he always knew how to shake a rider off his back
by going under those low limbs if he didn't like that rider! He is
almost blind now, and I intend to move him to a calmer pasture in the
spring. I bet once he is back to shape he could still take me for a
little ride no trouble with his head to the ground...
Ooops...long enough. Ani't horse behavior great!
Kimberly "please don't let it rain this weekend..."
& Mystery the Morab..."come on, rain! I want this grass to grow!"
& Provo.."heaven, I'm in horsey heaven...."