> 2. Should the cost of the dinner be deducted if the rider called after
> a dinner count was given to the caterer or person preparing food?
I don't think it should. Has this been a real problem? Are we talking
3 or 4 entries or 15 - 20?
> 3. If a lot of riders cancel just a day or two before the ride, should
> the cost of the fee for an unneeded vet be proprated among the
> cancelling riders and deducted from their fee?
No. Again, how many riders are we talking about? I have read some
discussion where the vet could be called and cancelled without any
problems. He/she would probably enjoy having a day off.
> 4. Should a portion of the entry fee be deducted based on how close to
> the ride they cancel? (i.e. 50% the day before, 25% 4 days before, 10% a
> week before, etc.)
No, I feel a full refund should be given.
> 5. Do you think a rider who does not notify ride management at all, and
> just does not show, should be entitled to a refund?
Yes. In my case, one time, I was on my way to a ride and my truck broke
down twice before I decided to turn around and go back home. It was too
late to notify ride management. Should I be penalized for my
misfortune? It only causes me not to want to pre-enter for future
rides. Also, I have less funds available to enter future rides.
> 6. If the entry does not state a refund policy, and you cancelled,
> would you object if the ride management did not refund your entry fee?
> Would that effect whether you attended that ride again?
Yes I would object, for the same reasons I stated above.
> 7. Do you think ride entries should be required to indicate a refund
> policy?
I have heard that some ride managers are losing money when they put on
rides. Is it because of poor turnout or because some pre-enter and then
don't show? I would think that pre-entry would give the ride management
an indication of how many to expect, but it has been my experience that
a lot of riders just show up, which tells me there are always more in
attendance than the ride management expected anyway. So, I don't
understand what the concern is. Maybe there are some underlying
problems I am not aware of. If so, let's hear them.